Diabetes Foot Care

Diabetes Foot Care

Managing diabetes effectively involves comprehensive attention to every aspect of health, particularly foot care. At Foot Harmony, located in the heart of Adelaide, we specialise in Diabetes Foot Care, understanding the intricate link between diabetes management and foot health. Our clinic is dedicated to offering personalised and thorough foot care services to individuals living with diabetes, recognising the heightened risk they face regarding foot-related complications due to neuropathy (nerve damage) and damage to blood vessels.

Our Specialised Diabetes Foot Care Services

Neurological Assessments: Our clinic conducts detailed neurological examinations to identify any loss of sensation in the feet, a prevalent issue among diabetic patients that can lead to unnoticed injuries and complications.

Vascular Assessments: Foot Harmony’s experienced team performs comprehensive evaluations of blood flow to the feet, identifying circulatory issues vital for preventing further complications and promoting foot health.

Ankle-Jerk Reflex and Proprioception Testing: Essential for diabetic patients, these assessments aid in determining reflexes and the sense of foot position, both of which can be adversely affected by diabetes.

Basic Wound Care: We provide critical wound care for any foot injuries or ulcers, fostering healing and preventing infections to maintain the integrity of diabetic feet.

Diabetic Foot Education: Empowering our patients with knowledge, we offer extensive education on diabetic foot care practices, enabling them to take proactive steps in looking after their feet and recognising potential issues promptly.

Footwear Advice and Shoe Fitting Assistance: Understanding the importance of appropriate footwear, we guide our patients in selecting and fitting suitable shoes to prevent pressure points, ulcers, and other foot-related complications.

Referrals When Necessary: Our commitment to comprehensive care means making timely referrals to specialists when advanced treatment is required, ensuring our patients receive the best possible care for their diabetic foot needs.

Regular visits to a podiatrist are crucial for individuals with diabetes. At Foot Harmony, we focus not just on treating existing conditions but also on education and proactive prevention to delay or prevent the onset of diabetic foot complications. Our approach is holistic, encompassing a range of services designed to maintain and improve foot health among diabetics.

Book Your Diabetes Foot Care Appointment Today

Early intervention and regular foot care are essential for maintaining healthy feet and preventing complications associated with diabetes. At Foot Harmony, we invite you to take the first step towards healthier feet by scheduling an appointment for a comprehensive diabetes foot care assessment. Our clinic is equipped with the expertise and dedication to provide the highest standard of care for your feet, ensuring that diabetes does not stand in the way of your mobility and quality of lif

Don’t let diabetes compromise your foot health. Contact Foot Harmony at 0403 666 413 or visit our online booking portal to book your appointment today. Embrace proactive foot care with our specialised diabetes foot care services and step towards a healthier future with confidence.

HICAPS / private health fund rebate is available

Foot Harmony Service Location

9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
10 AM - 3 PM
Step into Comfort, Walk out in Harmony

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You don’t require referrals to see podiatrists.